Code of ethics and conduct​ – Nextasoft

Code of ethics and conduct

Code of ethics and conduct

The six core values.

Our code of ethics is based on values that are essential to us and represents a fundamental guide to responsible conduct in the company and to the professional relationships we establish with customers. Nextasoft always acts with integrity and in full compliance with local, regional or national laws. Our conduct in the company allows us to keep our performance high, collaborate with authoritative partners, enhance talented professionals and better regulate communications with our customers in full compliance with each party.

Our code of ethics is founded on six essential values, which represent the way we act and make decisions.

1. Integrity.
2. Linearity.
3. Reliability.
4. Respect.
5. Justice.
6. Fairness, equality and non-discrimination.

Zero tolerance for immoral conduct.

Nextasoft has a zero tolerance policy towards collaborators or customers that are not in line with our core values. The repeated violation of one or more points of our code will result in the immediate suspension of any existing collaboration without the possibility of any reinstatement for any collaborator. The same conditions will apply to all customers whose conduct should manifest itself in disagreement with our values, reserving the right to suspend the project in progress and without the possibility of reimbursement, interrupt all communication channels except for correspondence via email, refuse projects future.

Respect for the individual.

We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated with dignity and respect. Since its inception, Nextasoft has been committed to creating a work environment free from preconceptions and outside the usual business dynamics: our professionals are not subject to rigid office hours but manage the workload independently in full compliance with deadlines. . This system allows them to dedicate time to extra-work activities, to the family and to the care of their psychophysical well-being which turns into greater efficiency, multi-potentiality and speed in carrying out the assigned tasks.

Nextasoft collaborates with professionals, partners and clients of different ethnicities, religions and ideologies.

All our collaborators are required to treat each individual with respect and dignity, carefully observing the following points.

• Report inappropriate, harassing, offensive or discriminatory behavior or comments
• Promote teamwork and open communication
• Avoid jargon or idioms that could be incomprehensible or ambiguous towards collaborators, partners or customers of another culture
• Fulfill one’s duties so as not to overload colleagues

Create a culture of open and honest communication.

At Nextasoft everyone is free to express their opinion, especially on ethical issues. Managers have the responsibility to interact with customers through open, honest communication and have the task of forming a professional and ethically correct work environment with the customer, where the civic sense of each party represents the cornerstone of collaboration. We all benefit enormously when we work in a tolerant environment to achieve a common goal.

Managers are responsible for reporting any uncivil, offensive, discriminatory, abusive, mining, manipulative or extortionate behavior by customers to management in order to initiate an investigation into the reported case and take strict measures, which could include the suspension of any communication channel with the exception of emails, the immediate suspension of the project without the possibility of reimbursement, the refusal to take charge of future projects or additions, the use of any means of civil and / or criminal legal protection.

Although every individual has the full right to assert their interests legally and for just cause, it is never part of a good communication strategy and diplomatic conduct to threaten unfounded legal action. In fact, this will inevitably exacerbate the professional relationship, make communication difficult and force us to take immediate measures also aimed at ending all present and future collaboration.

Threatening to take legal action to procure an unfair profit to oneself to the detriment of others is a crime of extortion. Similarly, taking legal action for objectively unfounded claims will result in the condemnation of the plaintiff with the reimbursement of legal costs and compensation for damages (condemnation of reckless litigation).

There are always solutions but only with an open, honest and respectful communication will it be possible to maintain a professional and productive collaboration.

Uphold the Law.

Il nostro impegno per l’integrità di Nextasoft inizia con il rispetto delle leggi, norme e regolamenti in cui operiamo. Inoltre, ognuno di noi deve avere una chiara comprensione delle leggi, delle norme e dei regolamenti aziendali che si applicano ai nostri ruoli specifici. Ogni nostra azione, anche nei confronti dei clienti, è sempre contemplata e consentita dalla legge o dalle nostre politiche aziendali. Il nostro dipartimento legale sostiene la nostra organizzazione assicurando che qualsiasi azione da noi intrapresa rispetti le leggi locali, regionali, nazionali o internazionali.

In nessun caso prenderemo in carico progetti che non rispettino il nostro codice etico e di condotta o che vìolino la legge.

Fair competition.

We are dedicated to competition that respects the principles of ethics and fairness. The technological products and services we offer are the result of the high competence achieved in the sector after years of experience and recognition. We make independent decisions on pricing and marketing campaigns planned by us and in no way will we improperly coordinate our activities with our competitors.

Commercial gifts and courtesies.

We do not accept gifts or business courtesies from our customers, even when they are intended to foster successful business relationships and good cooperation in accordance with our code. Our company policy regarding commercial gifts is rigid and aimed at avoiding situations in disagreement with our code of ethics and conduct, such as: attempt to influence company decisions, ambiguity, exchange of favor, favoritism, omission, unlawfulness.

Awareness campaigns.

We are proud to innovate but even more to devote part of our time, economic resources and technical skills to inform users towards causes that have always been important to us and for which we contribute to raising awareness through advertising campaigns or initiatives we promote. Innovating means improving a pre-existing condition, for this reason and in accordance with the values we believe in, we will continue to deal with gender equality, human rights and climate change.

Code of ethics and conduct​ – Nextasoft – Nextasoft