Blockchain app development​ – Nextasoft

Blockchain app development

Blockchain app development

A blockchain system is a decentralized and open archive of information whose records (or blocks), made safe thanks to the use of cryptography, are continuously increased and distributed through peer-to-peer technology. Each block contains the hash of the previous block, a timestamp and the data of the transaction that once validated by the users themselves, and without the need for any security notion on their part, becomes permanent and can not be modified retroactively.

The blockchain technology revolution consists of total transparency, immutability, immediacy, security and distributed network logic where there is no longer any administration center so there can not be a predominant body but a system managed around a new trust criterion and a method for generating consent in order to authenticate transactions.

The development of blockchain technology, although it has found wide use in the fin-tech sector, finds applications in any sector of activity: cryptocurrency exchange, purchase of goods, exchange of computer data or any good that has an actual value; for this reason the blockchain is also called the internet of value.

Nextasoft is a leading IT company in the sector and is committed to developing applications on the Ethereum blockchain system or developing custom blockchain based applications tailored to any business.

Our blockchain software development services include:

• Decentralized app development.

• Development of smart contracts.

• Development of cryptocurrency wallets.

• Development of cryptocurrency apps.

• Development of cryptocurrency wallets.

• Authentication services.

• Escrow services.

Statistics on blockchain

0 %
hospitals that
will use the blockchain by 2025
$ 0 bln
total spending on blockchain
in 2022
$ 0 bln
profits from blockchain apps
by 2024

Dedicated Project Manager.

Highly specialized team.

Non disclosure agreement.

14 days post-delivery support.

Payment divided into milestones.

We accept all currencies and BTC.

Nextasoft Care

Eligible for this product Complete protection Quick resolution

Do you want to develop blockchain software?

Blockchain app development​ – Nextasoft – Nextasoft